AI deceased avatars

AI Ethicists Urge Strict Regulation on Digital Recreations of Deceased Individuals

Experts advocate for urgent regulation of AI technology used to create digital versions of deceased people, citing ethical, emotional, and privacy concerns.

Main Points:

  • Ethical Issues: Experts emphasize the moral dilemmas involved in recreating digital avatars of the dead, which could be misused or misrepresent individuals.
  • Privacy and Consent: The technology raises questions about informed consent since deceased individuals cannot provide it, leaving families or companies to make sensitive decisions.
  • Emotional Impacts: The digital recreations could emotionally affect grieving families, either by offering solace or causing distress.


Ethicists and researchers have expressed serious concerns over the use of AI to create digital recreations of deceased individuals, urging immediate regulatory action. The rapid advancement of AI tools capable of generating digital avatars or deepfakes of people raises a myriad of ethical challenges. These include questions around accurately representing individuals without their consent and potential exploitation by third parties for commercial gain. Privacy concerns also emerge because it’s impossible for deceased individuals to provide consent, thus shifting the responsibility to grieving families or corporations.

Moreover, the emotional implications are significant. For some, these digital avatars can provide comfort and closure, but others might find it distressing, especially if the recreated likenesses differ from reality or are misused. Experts recommend the establishment of guidelines and frameworks to ensure this emerging technology is employed ethically and in a way that prioritizes the well-being of affected individuals and their families.

Source: Digital recreations of dead people need urgent regulation, AI ethicists say

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