AI beer

AI Brews Up Enhancements for Belgian Beers

Belgian researchers are using artificial intelligence to refine beer flavors, though traditional brewing expertise remains essential.

Main Points:

  • A team led by Prof Kevin Verstrepen from KU Leuven university utilized AI to analyze the aroma molecules in beer, aiming to enhance flavor perception by understanding compound interactions.
  • The research involved analyzing 250 Belgian beers across 22 styles and correlating over 200,000 consumer and expert reviews to model taste preferences using machine learning.
  • Enhanced commercial beer flavors, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions, were achieved by adjusting compounds identified by AI, proving its potential in improving beer taste.


Belgian scientists have embarked on a mission to perfect the art of beer crafting with a dash of modern technology—artificial intelligence (AI). At the helm of this innovative venture is Prof Kevin Verstrepen from KU Leuven university, who, along with his team, is dissecting the complex web of aroma molecules that define a beer’s taste. By analyzing the chemical composition of 250 Belgian beers and incorporating insights from both expert tasting panels and extensive consumer reviews from RateBeer, the team has crafted AI models that can predict and enhance beer flavors based on their molecular makeup.

This research marks a significant step forward in understanding how various compounds interact within beers to influence human aroma and taste perception. Notably, the application of these models has led to the successful refinement of beer flavors, demonstrating improvements in sweetness, body, and overall enjoyment for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic variants. Despite the technological advancement, the researchers emphasize the irreplaceable role of traditional brewing skills. The AI’s role is to suggest chemical tweaks for optimizing flavors, leaving the creative and practical application of these insights to the seasoned hands of brewers. This synergy between AI and artisanal expertise paves the way for future innovations in the beer industry, promising an exciting blend of tradition and technology.

Source: Scientists turn to AI to make beer taste even better

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