AI artists

AI Art Poses Existential Threat to Human Artists

AI-generated art threatens the livelihood of human artists by offering cheaper and faster alternatives, prompting a potential crisis in the art world.

Main Points:

  • Loss of Commissions: Human artists face the risk of losing commissions to AI, significantly impacting their income.
  • Economic Redistribution: AI-generated art could shift economic benefits from artists to tech companies, further destabilizing the art market.
  • Potential Solutions: Options include banning AI art, increasing public grants for artists, and encouraging individual choices to support human-created art.


The rapid advancement of AI technology in the art world is causing significant concern among human artists. Shawn Simpson, a visiting lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh, discusses how AI-generated art is cheaper and quicker, leading to artists losing commissions and struggling to sustain themselves financially. Companies like Monumental Labs, which produce stone art using AI at a fraction of the cost of human labor, exemplify this shift. This economic redistribution favors tech companies over individual artists, creating a modern-day John Henry scenario where humans compete against machines.

Simpson suggests several potential solutions, such as banning AI art, which may be difficult to enforce, or providing more public grants to artists. However, these grants are often limited and politically vulnerable. Alternatively, encouraging consumers and clients to choose human-made art over AI creations could help support artists. Ultimately, preserving the value and livelihood of human artists requires collective effort and conscious decision-making to counter the growing influence of AI in the creative industries.

Source: Artificial Intelligence Threatens Disaster for Artists

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