AI metaverse

AI and the Metaverse are Driving Sustainable Innovations at BEYOND EXPO 2024

BEYOND EXPO 2024 highlighted the role of AI and the metaverse in promoting sustainability. Key discussions centered on AI’s potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the metaverse’s utility in energy-saving practices.

Main Points:

  1. AI’s Role in Carbon Management: AI can enhance carbon accounting and trading, but requires professional oversight to ensure accuracy.
  2. Metaverse for AI Training: The metaverse offers a cost-effective, risk-free environment for developing AI applications.
  3. Digital Twins and Climate Forecasting: Virtual replicas can improve long-term climate predictions and help combat climate change.


The BEYOND EXPO 2024, held in Macao and co-hosted by IEEE, focused on how AI and the metaverse can drive environmental sustainability. Experts discussed AI’s potential in carbon emission management, emphasizing the need for substantial data and expert input to ensure precision and reliability. The metaverse was showcased as a valuable tool for AI training, offering low-cost, efficient, and diverse environments for development. Digital twins, virtual models of physical entities, were highlighted for their ability to enhance climate forecasting, aiding long-term environmental strategies.

In conclusion, while AI and the metaverse present promising solutions for reducing greenhouse emissions and advancing sustainable practices, the involvement of skilled professionals remains crucial to maximize their potential effectively.

Source: BEYOND EXPO 2024 | Empowering a greener world with AI and the metaverse

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