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AI and Satellite Data Revolutionize Ocean Activity Monitoring

Global Fishing Watch leverages AI and Google Earth Engine to create detailed maps of human activity at sea, including offshore infrastructure and vessels that aren’t publicly broadcasting. This data aids in advancing policies for marine protection, offshore renewable energy development, and tracking carbon emissions.

Main Points:

  • AI and Satellite Data: Utilized for mapping ocean activities and infrastructure.
  • Environmental Impact: Helps in managing renewable energy, marine protection, and emission tracking.
  • Global Reach: Analyzes data across six continents to provide comprehensive insights.


Global Fishing Watch, an international nonprofit co-founded by Google, has released groundbreaking datasets that map global ocean infrastructure and non-broadcasting vessels. Utilizing AI and Google Earth Engine, the organization analyzes satellite radar and optical imagery to create daily maps of human activity at sea. These maps reveal crucial information about offshore renewable energy developments, carbon emissions from maritime vessels, and marine protection efforts. By providing detailed insights into activities such as industrial fishing, shipping, and wind farm placements, the data helps advance policy conversations and manage the multiple industrial uses of the ocean effectively.

The datasets highlight significant offshore infrastructure growth, such as the near tripling of wind turbines and the presence of “dark vessels” that do not broadcast their locations. This information supports marine conservation efforts and helps governments better manage ocean resources, aiming to protect 30% of the planet’s land and ocean by 2030. Global Fishing Watch’s efforts are instrumental in promoting sustainability and ensuring the long-term health of marine ecosystems.

Source: Mapping human activity at sea with AI

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