Hot AI consumer trends

10 Hot Consumer Trends Shaping the AI-Powered Future

The report explores the dual sentiments of excitement and fear among early tech adopters regarding AI’s future influence on various aspects of daily life and industry.

Main Points:

  • Artificial Shoppers: AI assistants may revolutionize shopping by offering personalized advice and reducing advertising.
  • Generative Fashion: AI is expected to influence fashion trends, leading to sustainable practices and personalized designs.
  • Sentient Screenplays: AI could enable users to create interactive, personalized entertainment, blurring the lines between digital and real life.


Ericsson ConsumerLab’s report delves into the AI-powered future, emphasizing a split between those who are optimistic and those who are wary of AI advancements. Key trends include AI-driven personal shopping assistants, which could potentially eliminate disruptive ads and streamline consumer purchases. In the fashion industry, AI is set to dictate trends and promote sustainability, with a focus on personalized, made-to-order garments. The entertainment sector might see AI-generated, interactive movies featuring digital clones of real-life friends, raising questions about the impact on real-world interactions and ethical considerations. Overall, the report presents a nuanced view of AI’s potential to transform various aspects of consumer life, highlighting both opportunities and challenges.

Source: 10 Hot Consumer Trends: The AI-Powered Future

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